Thursday, May 28, 2015



"Life's a bowl full of cherries" -long associated with cheerfulness, summer harvests, and general Americana; cherries are one of nature's most sacred Super-fruits. 

First, I would like to share my own account with benefits from cherries. Last July, I started a very strenuous fitness program that and involved weightlifting, which was fairly new to me at the time. I was extremely sore for weeks until one particular day-I noticed I did not have my usual soreness. I was perplexed about the sudden change. So, I recalled what I ate and drank that day to discover what I did differently. The most notable thing that was different was that I ate about 20 cherries before my workout and 20 cherries after. So, I did some research on cherries and was amazed at what I found. 

A ton of respectable evidence exists showing a connection between cherry consumption (juice or fresh) and reduced muscle soreness, better sleep and a lot of other benefits. I started eating fresh cherries and drinking tart cherry juice after workouts and before bed after I discovered this. I found that it works not just a little, but, extremely well for muscle soreness. It also has improved my sleep. It's a feeling similar to taking melatonin supplements.

A list of the top 6 Surprising Benefits of Cherries:

1) Combats Muscle Soreness

One of the most heavily-researched and supported benefits of cherries is it's ability to significantly reduce muscle soreness after strenuous activity. Multiple studies support the use of tart cherry juice for this purpose. This antioxidant-rich nectar works on multiple levels to recover muscle tissue by reducing inflammation. Souring in popularity among marathoners, it has been found to improve their recovery and prevent some of the oxidative damage that can occur after marathons.

2) Reduces Inflammation

The deep red hue of cherries are an indication of the denseness of its antioxidants. These anti-oxidants reduce inflammation by protecting muscles from damage, alleviating muscle pain and accelerating muscle repair. It's been cited to reduce multiple symptoms of osteo-arthritis by taking tart-cherry extract twice daily. 

3) Helps you get your Zzzzzz's

Cherry juice is proven to greatly increase melatonin production. Melatonin helps you fall asleep faster and enhances your quality of sleep. I will, personally, pledge allegiance to this fact.

4) Protects from Carcinogens

Carcinogens are nasty substances that sometimes cause cancer. Anthocyanins, the phytochemical abundant in cherries, is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps prevent cell damage which can lead to cancer cell development. In addition to this, perillyl alcohol, limonene and ellagic acid, in cherries and its juice, help further protect against cancer-causing agents. This powerful trio of nutrients are a unique combination ONLY found [together] in cherries.

5) Nutrient-Rich

1 Cup= 
39% Daily Value Vitamin A
25% Daily Value Vitamin C
311 mg K+
3g Fiber

Cherries are a good source of vitamin C which helps improve heart and eye health, and immunity. These little red gems are also packed with Vitamin A which helps with vision and bone health among other things. They're a good source of potassium which keeps your heart pumping and kidneys in good shape. Insufficient potassium may lead to chronic tiredness, muscular cramps, and fatigue. 

6) Supports American Farming

95% of cherries are grown right here-in the U. S. of A- with Michigan as the top producer and Washington state following closely behind. Cherries flourish in Pennsylvania, New York, Oregon, Wisconsin and Utah as well.

For some, like myself-I can get cherries "locally" from Michigan or Pennsylvania. Depending on your definition of "local". I know, I know, how hipster of us to insist-"But, is it LOCAL"? Reminds me of one of my t.v. shows, Portlandia, which really takes this stereotype to another level in the link below

Cherry season begins in late May and may last up to four months.Take advantage of cherry season right now to get the most out of its health benefits. Get fresh cherries now and cherry juice year-round (tart-cherry tastes and works best). Look for cherries in the freezer section when not in season. Or, for the overly-ambitious, you can cut the cherries in half and take out the pits to freeze them yourself and enjoy them year-round.

"About the woodlands I will go / To see the cherry hung with snow.” -A. E. Housman


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